Great Coding Courses for Elementary School Students in 2020

Learn K12 StaffLearn K12 Staff Sept. 10, 2020
Great Coding Courses for Elementary School Students in 2020

In the modern era of the internet and technology, education systems have been rapidly evolving from textbooks to computers. Being adept in the use of the computer, along with its systems and processes, is a deeply educational field nowadays. Children at an early age need to be introduced to this field to prepare them for what lies ahead.

Here are some computer science courses that they could take while having fun in the process:

1. Programming for Beginners - Build games using Scratch

This course is custom-made for students who want to learn to program. It embraces people of all appropriate ages: children from the age of 6 and up, teenagers, students, and even for mature individuals who want to make a career change.

They will learn different things with just a single course while enjoying them at the same time. They can understand how to register and know the code building blocks of Scratch, manipulate motion sensors, make decisions using controls, have fun with the Pen operator, and so much more.

2. You Can Be Anything

Children would often imagine becoming an entirely different person like their favorite cartoon character or superhero. This course allows them to be a Robotics Engineer, a Musician, a Farmer, a Pastry Chef, a Beekeeper, and an Astronaut among others. Suitable for ages 5 to 9, the kids would certainly have a great time in this course. With activities like animating characters, composing music and stories, creating art, and designing games, programming has never been this fun.

Your child will learn basic programming concepts like sequencing, animation, loops, and more, as they delve into various careers. They will also be learning text and visual coding, as well as how to code and mod Minecraft, robotics, blocks, mobs, skins, and more.

3. Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr.

This course enables students to express themselves through technology. It serves as a platform for children to be creative in showing what they know through the use of coding. It is ideal for children from 7-13 years old as they have the fundamental capabilities for creative coding.

Containing hundreds of cross-curricular topics, this course combines block and text-based projects with the help of Scratch and Vidcode. Teachers of any subject can introduce the subject regardless of any prior experience through its project scaffolding. With the developing emotions and personalities of children, this course will bring out who they truly are.

4. Make a Flappy Game

Inspired by the game “Flappy Bird,” this course allows children to make their version of the sensational game. Using drag-and-drop programming, kids would love its exercises that will customize their game to look personalized. They can make versions such as Flappy Sharks, Santas, or whatever they want. Suitable for students aged 7 and above, this course can add another game to your phone with just one click.

5. The Big Event

To be able to become a master of your programs, an event is an essential part of programming. It adds variety to a pre-written algorithm to identify your program as your own. This course teaches children to create events that will enable their programs to respond the way they want them to. It is ideal for children ages 6 and up. Knowing the vast imagination of the kids, this course will boost their cognitive skills while retaining the fun of their childhood.

Prepare your child for computer programming with this fun and interesting computer science courses appropriate for his or her age and level.