Benefits of Online Learning for Kids

Stephanie GallardoStephanie Gallardo July 30, 2020
Benefits of Online Learning for Kids

Online learning for children has many benefits for both parents and children. Here are some of the perks of online learning versus in-person learning for kids, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, aside from being the safest option for now.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm and the field of education has changed dramatically. Children can no longer go to school without putting themselves in danger of having the virus. To ensure the safety of schoolchildren, many schools are now encouraging online learning. Currently, this is the best solution that allows students to continue learning without the fear of having COVID.

In-person learning has always been a trend in teaching. The on-going pandemic prevents many schools from opening their doors during the remaining of the school year but, fortunately, online learning allows children to continue learning despite our current education environment.

1) Online learning is more common than you think

Just so you know online learning is not that uncommon. How many times have you let your child watch Sesame Street, Barney and Friends, Blue’s Clues, and other educational shows online? Parents have been exposing their children to online learning without knowing it. The only difference now is that your child will be having actual lessons using different platforms on the internet like Zoom and Google classroom. This means you can monitor your child’s progress, get first-hand information on his or her class performance, and most importantly, learn and study together.

2) Online learning saves you time

Parents can benefit a lot from online learning. Imagine the time savings you can get from not dropping off and picking up your kid from school five days a week. All you have to do is turn on the computer and you can go about your daily routine. You can do your household chores as your child goes to his or her online class. You can even take a part-time work at home job on the side with all the free time you have in your hands.

3) Online learning saves you money

Another benefit is cost savings. Now that many schools are holding classes online, you don’t have to pay for high tuition fees anymore. Also, you don’t need to give your kid allowance or lunch money because he or she will be staying at home. This means you save on gas, too! Meanwhile, there are free online learning games for kids that you can use to supplement his or her online classes. There are tons of free downloadable kids’ learning activities as well. The fact that you’ll be spending most of your time at home means you don’t need to hire a babysitter or tutor for your child anymore. You’ll be saving a lot of money in the long run.

4) Online courses contain engaging teaching methods

You’ve probably heard your child complaining about boring classes and uninteresting lessons. The good news is online learning has some of the most engaging teaching methods around. The lessons are fun-filled with online learning games for kids, exciting storytelling, and worksheets that don’t feel like your child is taking a test. They will also have regular face time with their teachers and classmates that will make online learning interesting.

5) You can learn online from the comfort and safety of your home

One of the perks of online learning for kids is the fact that they can learn at home. Your child doesn’t have to wear a uniform and shoes and look presentable the entire day. In an online classroom, nobody will mind if they’ve just woken up or haven’t taken a bath yet. They can fix themselves at any time of the day. The fact that they’re comfortable and have fewer distractions can contribute greatly to how well they’ll learn. Also, you don't need to attend school meetings because everything will be done virtually.

COVID 19 paved the way for online learning for kids to be recognized as one of the safest and most effective learning tools today. Keep your child safe while allowing him or her to continue learning at the same time by attending online classes. As for you, enjoy more quality time with your little one and providing him or her the support he or she needs.